Monday, July 21, 2008


Lie detector software
This is a fun software which knows when you tell lies
try it and u will see!!

Some explanation on how it operates

Truster is a fully computerized voice stress analyzer that allows you to detect the truth instantly. Based on an ingenious new algorithm to detect vocal stress, Truster is a simple yet powerful software tool for identifying a deception on the phone or in person.

What Is The Need?
Ever since people acquired the capability of speech, lying and deception have been inescapable facts of everyday life. Conventional lie detector results are not admissible in court because people can physically alter their behavior to appear to be telling the truth. The human voice on the other hand, cannot be manipulated. It is a complex instrument for expressing a full range of emotional and cognitive states of mind, that even the best voice training in the world cannot overcome. Better yet, vocal segments can be gathered and analyzed over the phone, taken from TV or radio shows, or even in a face to face conversation, without the subject being aware.

What Is IT Based On?
Did you know that the human voice consists of six global levels?
1. The textual level - the words we speak.
2. The identifying level - unique elements in every individual's voice.
3. The intonation level - the way we express ourselves.
4. The emotional level - an uncontrolled element of the voice that indicates the
level of excitement and the emotions they attach to what they are saying.
5. The cognitive level - an uncontrolled element of the voice that indicates the
amount of conflict or agreement with the spoken sentence.
6. The physiological element - indicates the stress, physiological alertness and
general physiological condition.

Truster examines the emotional, cognitive and physiological patterns in our voice to deliver accurate messages regarding vocal segments of a conversation or broadcast.

How Does It Work?
Truster produces a computerized analysis of the speech flow to distinguish between nonverbal emotional, cognitive and stressful elements within the human voice. When all is said and done, a lie is a deviation from how one would answer an obvious question such as, What is your name? A subject may answer the exact same question differently in different situations. For example, the reaction to asking a subject how much money they made in a
certain period will vary depending on whether it is during a free conversation, job interview, or legal proceeding. Lying or attempting to be faithful to the truth requires much more exertion than answering an obvious question, but it also depends on the circumstances.

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